Sleep apnea often goes undiagnosed, and it varies in intensity from one sufferer to the next. People who suffer from sleep apnea often have trouble with their tongue and palate relaxing to the back of the throat, which obstructs the airway and interferes with breathing. For more information about this harmful and even fatal condition, keep reading.
If you want relief from sleep apnea symptoms, one way to get it is to start playing a woodwind instrument. Research done by specialists in Germany indicates you can train your muscles in the upper airway by playing the didgeridoo. The muscles have a large impact on how well you breathe. This is why if you play often you will have less sleep apnea issues.
If your doctor prescribes a mouth guard, make sure it is properly fitted. Specially made mouth guards are particularly focused for individuals suffering from sleep apnea. The mouth guard is more comfortable to use than a CPAP machine that works by applying constant positive airway pressure. You will find that this mouth guard stabilizes the soft tissues and allows the airways to be more open.
Try losing weight if you are obese. There are many studies linking overweight people to sleep apnea. Therefore, just losing twenty pounds or so could help provide significant relief from your sleep apnea.
Nasal sprays can help you sleep when your nose is being a nuisance to you. This will help clear your nasal passages before you go to bed. Don’t use it over a long duration because it can cause problems. Take a trip to the local pharmacy to see what they have available to help with keeping your nose open when you’re sleeping.
Now that you have a firm understanding of the basics of sleep apnea, you are well prepared to create your own sleep apnea plan in conjunction with your doctor. Contacting your doctor may be necessary in order to find out more about minimizing symptoms and the threat posed by sleep apnea.
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