Diagnosed With Sleep Apnea? Here’s What To Do Next

Don’t get scared once you find out you have sleep apnea. You can live a happy life and avoid the serious health consequences of the condition by getting proper treatment. However, it is vital you gain the necessary knowledge to help you better get a handle on dealing with this condition which the following article provides.

Get a mouth guard to help you sleep at night. Narrow airways can be opened, jaws can be properly aligned and nasal passages can be opened up to allow more air into the lungs. Talk to your doctor about whether or not a mouth guard can solve your sleep apnea problem.

You need to lose some weight if you find that you are too heavy for your frame. There are many studies that link sleep apnea to obesity. Therefore, just losing twenty pounds or so could help provide significant relief from your sleep apnea.

Children are susceptible to sleep apnea. If your child exhibits any of the symptoms associated with sleep deprivation, such as chronic irritability, hostility and a drop in their grades, you might be looking at a case of sleep apnea. Often these symptoms are similar to ADHD, but you need to talk to a physician and consider sleep apnea as a cause as well.

There are several components to a sleep apnea diagnosis including a physical examination, a complete review of your medical history and a review of your family history. A sleep study can also shed some light on your sleep problems. Your primary physician may find that the best course of action is to send you to see a sleep specialist. These doctors have the specialized expertise necessary to diagnose and treat many sleep disorders including sleep apnea.

Hopefully you are now feeling more comfortable be comfortable about managing sleep apnea. You should feel optimistic about your future after reading this article. Keep in mind that like many significant alterations in your lifestyle, addressing your sleep apnea is going to take some time. Keep on trying and slowly you will find things improving.

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