Tips To Teach Any Dog New Tricks

A playful new puppy can bring much joy into your household. In the weeks that follow, that joy can turn into frustration. As you pick up after your dog, you might regret your decision to have one. To relive that previous joy, you will need to teach positive behaviors to your pet. The article below will teach you how.

Make sure your dog stays calm as you enter a space that he is in. While playtime is valuable for every pet, dogs ought to be calm whenever you come into a room. Try not to acknowledge your pet when you set foot into rooms, and this can imbue calm environments most of the time, since your dog will wait for you to start play time.

It is important that you also train your dog at mealtime with a specific routine. Feed your dog at the same times every day, so that he knows what to expect. This will ensure he eats it all quickly instead of doddling or grazing all day.

To improve the efficiency of your training routine, make sure your dog eats and poops at around the same time every day. This will help you know when you have to take your dog outside, before he ruins your carpet. This will also teach your dog “hold it” until her next trip outside.

Think of a word you can use as a command during training. Even a simple monosyllabic spoken ‘yes’ can help the dog to connect the desired behavior with the imminent reward.

When you’re training your dog, it is important that you understand primary reinforcement. Primary reinforcement uses the things that your dog loves as rewards for positive behavior. Some examples of primary reinforcements are food and rubbing the dog’s belly. This is how you teach your dog to be good to get what he wants.

By now, every dog owner should be aware of how easy dog training can really be. By combining a proper mindset and a good base of knowledge, any dog can become well trained. Dogs can do very well when their owners give them the proper training.

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